One Drop -- A Slave! Book Signing January 19, 2019Kentucky artist John Ward recently attended Kentucky author Eddie Price's book signing of One Drop -- A Slave! at Winchester's library. John's artwork is featured on the book cover and...
John Ward's Evening Chase and Surprise Party Originals Sold January 8, 2019I am always so appreciative and humbled by people enjoying the art I create. I had the pleasure of meeting Steve and Janet Ramlal, the new owners of the originals...
John Ward's Art Decorates Peoples Bank of Kentucky's New Mt. Sterling Office December 18, 2018John Ward was in attendance at Peoples Bank of Kentucky's Grand Opening of their new location in Mt. Sterling on December 10th. The bank sought to adorn their new building...
Living Double from the Mountain Workshop November 9, 2018Sponsored by Western Kentucky University, the Mountain Workshops held their 43rd annual workshop in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky during the week of Oct. 22, 2018. In addition to the students participating...
John Ward Illustrates Cover of One Drop -- A Slave! by Eddie Price September 3, 2018Kentucky artist John Ward partnered with Eddie Price, Kentucky author, to illustrate the cover of Mr. Price's new release titled One Drop -- A Slave!, released in February 2018. The book...
Opening Reception for Artists of the Month, Betty Pace and John Ward April 18, 2018Betty Pace and John Ward were Winchester Art Guild's Featured Artists, July 2017. Betty and John partnered to write and illustrate the charming children's book, My Dog Isaac.